Ouch, That’s Hot: Burn Injuries

Fire. From the time of the cavemen, its beauty and danger have been a part of what it means to be human. But in the modern workplace, fire is not the only way to get burned:

Hot Surfaces





Intense Light

Ice or Cold Surfaces

In fact, based on information from the National Fire Protection Association [LINK: https://www.nfpa.org/News-and-Research/Fire-statistics-and-reports/Fire-statistics/Non-fire-incidents/Non-fire-burns], only 14% of burns reported to ERs nationwide involved fire.

But regardless of the source of the burn, and whether a victim is injured at home, at work, in a public place, or due to a manufacturing defect or product failure, the results can be devastating. Painful treatment can sometimes rehabilitate the patient, but the lasting mental and physical effects are often devastating.

Immediately after an accident, burn victims need time and energy for healing. But it’s also important to begin potential legal action to ensure they may be properly compensated for their injury, especially if it happened because of workplace safety issues or poorly installed or maintained public spaces. As soon as you can after an incident, call Avanzino & Moreno at (718) 802-1616 and let our expert staff handle the legal side, while you focus on recovery.

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